Xero Training.

Do you have questions? We have answers. Get the most out of your accounting software with some one-on-one training.

Improve your knowledge to get the most out of Xero software.

Whether its a general overview, or you have specific questions, we can help clarify your Xero experience.

Done either online or in our office.

We’ll provide the training session, as well as a summary of the information covered.

Who is this option best for?

Anyone using Xero as their accounting software. You don’t have to be a current client of ours.

Quick Xero question -

  • 20 minute session

  • for support around quick questions you may have around coding or Xero software

  • in our office or over video chat

  • summary notes provided

You -

  • if we don’t have access invite us into your xero file with the email address: info@bestpracticebookkeeping.com.au

  • answer the questionnaire when booking the session

    $97 + GST

Detailed Xero training -

  • 60 minute session

  • for detailed support around one topic, or to cover multiple small aspects of Xero software

  • in our office or over video chat

  • summary notes provided

You -

  • if we don’t have access, invite us into your xero file with the email address: info@bestpracticebookkeeping.com.au

  • answer the questionnaire when booking the session

    $225 + GST