Fair use policy.
Our fair use policy outlines the conditions of support provided within our services.
Excellent client service is paramount at Best Practice Bookkeeping. Which is why we aim to provide you with the highest level of support across our range of services. Best Practice Bookkeeping bill on a fixed fee, subscription based service, which means we’re not clock-watchers and we don’t bill by the hour. We value open communication and welcome your phone calls and meetings. That said, while we love to have-a-chat, there is an expectation for clients to understand when dealing with us.
Our Fair Use Policy is intended to ensure that our services are not used in an unreasonable manner.
We reserve the right to vary the terms of this Fair Use Policy from time to time.
We may rely on the Fair Use Policy where your usage of our services is unreasonable, as defined below.
Our service commitment to you:
We strive to always treat clients fairly and honestly. As a result, our services to clients aim to be:
accurate, and
We aim to make our contact with clients:
courteous, and
Our staff aim to:
be accessible
provide accurate and meaningful information, and
accept and respond to your feedback.
Making contact with us
You can contact us by phone, email or make an appointment to see us face-to-face. When contacting us by phone or email, we aim to respond to you either at the first point of contact or within one (1) working day. If we cannot respond to your query within this timeframe, we will acknowledge your communication, let you know why we cannot fully respond and give you an estimated time when you can expect a more detailed response.
Unreasonable use
It is an unreasonable use of our services, where your use is reasonably considered excessive by Best Practice Bookkeeping.
Examples of excessive use include:
Excessive contact with Best Practice Bookkeeping on matters that are clearly outside the scope of the outlined engagement.
Regularly requesting information or advice on matters that have previously been advised or information provided.
Repeated and consistent contact with Best Practice Bookkeeping where it is deemed unsustainable in it’s frequency at which point, we may suggest a further support service.
Our Rights
If we reasonably consider your use of our services unreasonable, we may, at our discretion, suspend or limit our service in accordance with our agreement with you.
last updated 3 Feb 2021